If you are planning on buying property it’s important that you have your finances in order.
Purchasing a new or existing home is a significant financial decision and it’s essential to get your finances in order before taking the next step.
Our finance specialists offer expertise to help find the right mortgage for your individual needs. You can choose from a variety of different loan types, including variable rates, fixed rates, credit lines and interest-only loans.
We can help you understand the pros and cons of each type of loan, explain the features, fees and charges and tailor a loan that aligns with your financial goals. We can also offer pre-approvals, so you can shop for your new property with confidence.
Our pre-approval process is quick and easy, allowing you to act fast when you find the right property.

Talk to Ben McDonald, your lending specialist ...
To discuss your home, investment or commercial lending requirements contact Ben McDonald (03) 5331 3711 or complete our Loan Review Form.

PPT Capital Pty Ltd (ABN 33 283 085 421, Credit Representative Number 393944) has access to a panel of lenders through National Mortgage Brokers Pty Ltd (ACN 093 874 376 / Australian Credit Licence 391209), which is a fully-owned subsidiary of Liberty Financial Pty Ltd (ACN 077 248 983 / Australian Credit Licence 286596). PPT Capital Pty Ltd has access to products including those from Liberty Financial.