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Managing the Debt Drain

February and March are traditionally the worst cashflow months for small business – the Christmas rush is over, the Business Activity Statement is due, and payments slow down with a dip in consumer spending. You…

Considering starting a business?

If you are considering starting a business then there’s a lot to think about. From choosing the right structure, to business planning and managing cashflow, it’s important that you are prepared for your new venture. Our accountants…

Pride or Prejudice: Predictions for 2017

The global economy is picking up and Australia is about to secure the global record for the longest period a country has gone without a recession. But with the focus on the political environment, there…

What’s involved in selling your business?

Selling your business can be a stressful time and unless you’ve done it before, it’s hard to know what to expect or what’s required to get the right result.  We’ve put together the top issues…

What’s changing from 1 July 2016

Everyone New rules to prevent foreign residents avoiding tax when they sell certain Australian assets will affect everyone buying or selling property with a market value of $2 million or more.  The 10% withholding obligation…

Implications of a Low Interest Rate Environment

The month of May defied the weight of investor apathy and continued its positive run over what is normally a seasonally weaker period, bolstered by another rate cut and improving US economic stats. Since then the…

Budget 2016: Business Tax Cuts & Incentives

The Budget introduces a series of tax cuts progressively applied to business.  Significantly, the threshold for accessing some of the small business entity concessions will increase dramatically from the current $2 million threshold to $10…

Budget 2016: Overview

The 2016-17 Federal Budget is a budget of targets – broad targets to boost business and innovation, and the narrow revenue targets of the wealthy and multi-nationals.  It’s a big, long-term crafted budget designed to…

Managing in Uncertain Times

How do you create certainty in uncertain times?  Much of what we do personally to grow and protect our wealth, and commercially for the businesses we manage is subject to unpredictability and change. The answer…

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